Set the date and send a \“Save the date\” note to your list of contacts who've opted in to receive your emails. Send it out as soon as you can, ideally, 6 to 8 weeks before the event.
On the weeks leading up to the event, generate a buzz around your event by sharing the details.
If it\’s a trade show, name drop a little by sharing some of the exhibitors and who the keynote speaker will be.
Give the agenda or the schedule for the days and how they\’ll be laid out.
As soon as possible, tell people the venue and inform them of any off-site events planned at the same time - while some people may not be able to justify going to one event, complimentary events ongoing at the same time can help drive attendance.
Make the recommended accommodations clear and easy to book.
All an attendee should have to do is click on a button to go on a landing page you created specifically for this purpose, or call someone to book his room.